The History of Islam (3 Vol)

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This book is the the first volume of a voluminous treatise written in Urdu, by the name Tarikh e Millat. The Original has been well received in the Indo-Pak subcontinent and has been for decades a part of the syllabi of many institutions, both secular as well as religious. 

There are, indeed numerous books available in English but one needs to be on guard with regard to the interpretation of historical events. Many who claim to be objective are far from being so. 

The classical Arab historian have generally restricted themselves to narrating history without to much elaboration or interpretation. Interpretation was left to each individual student of history.

It Covers

In-depth Introduction to History (Maqam E Sahaba & Mushajarat E Sahaba) By Mufti Shafi

Seerah of the Prophet (S)

The Rightly Guided Khulafa  (R.A.A)

The Early Umayyad (Muawiyah, Yazid, Muawiyah II, Abdullah Ibn Zubayr & Marwan ibn Hakam)